
        Thank you for your answers. As I read other threads, I am finding 
ambiguity reemerging. Pardon my pedantry, I want to nail this down correctly 
the first time. As you know, I have a hard deadline to get these fixes 
implemented and deployed.

        It appears that there is a difference between /oauth/authorize and 
/oauth/authenticate. In a separate thread:

On May 19, 2011, at 15:17 , themattharris wrote:

>> You said you were restricting this permission to the OAuth /authorize web 
>> flow only. Will /oauth/authenticate (Sign in with Twitter) support the new 
>> permission?
> The R/W/DM permission can only be granted through the /oauth/authorize
> route. Sign in with Twitter cannot be used to grant R/W/DM.

        Could you confirm which route you want mobile devices to use?

Furthermore, Mr. Harris claims the following:

> Be sure to include a path with your callback. For example: 
> myapp://oauth_complete

        This is at variance with your advice below. Do you concur with Mr. 
Harris' view?

Mr. Harris further states:

>> Is using a web view against the Terms of Service (TOS)?
> Using an in-app web view to show the OAuth pages is not against our
> TOS. However, we encourage developers to use the built-in browser
> where appropriate.

        Forgive my being gun shy but Twitter has made it clear that client apps 
were to get special scrutiny. I want to know exactly what Mr. Harris means by 
"appropriate". In my view, leaving my app for Safari is only appropriate when a 
user presses a button to go to Safari. Pressing a login button and then seeing 
my app swap out for Safari is a confusing and sub-standard user experience. Am 
I going to get banned because I deem it a better user experience to stay fully 
within my app? 

        I just want to know what the rules are.

Again, thank you for your time and attention to these issues.


On May 19, 2011, at 09:53 , Tom van der Woerdt wrote:

> 1. Yep
> 2. NO. There's no difference in oauth/authorize and oauth/authenticate, 
> except that authenticate will simply pass the "accept/deny" screen if the 
> user has already accepted the app. Also, don't display it in a WebView, use 
> the normal browser instead and use a callback URL with a custom scheme - for 
> example myapp://. Let the browser redirect this URL back to the app. Again, 
> do NOT use a UIWebView - I'm pretty sure that that's against the TOS, and if 
> it's not, it soon will be.
> 3. Yep
> 4. Yes, you will need to store the consumer token and secret in the code, and 
> store the user's token and secret in the keychain (or somewhere else, secure).
> The OAuth flow is no different for mobile devices than for desktops.
> Tom
> On 5/19/11 4:45 PM, Andrew W. Donoho wrote:
>> Gentle Twitter Support Folks,
>>  There is an ambiguity in the OAuth flow for mobile devices. As I now have 
>> little time to move from xAuth to OAuth, I would appreciate it if Twitter 
>> Support would confirm the following OAuth flow which uses your routes.
>> 1) Use "POST oauth/request_token" to get the access token needed for the 
>> user web dialog.
>> 2) Upon receiving the request token, open a web view using "GET 
>> oauth/authorize". This is the ambiguous path for mobile devices. It is 
>> specified that this path must be used for desktop devices. As a mobile 
>> device is really a wireless desktop device, I believe Twitter wants me to 
>> use this route in lieu of "GET oauth/authenticate". Other vendors also allow 
>> the specification of whether this is a mobile device. They then provide a 
>> web authorization dialog appropriate for a narrow screen. It does not appear 
>> that Twitter offers this functionality. Could you please confirm this? 
>> Finally, as my app runs on an iPad, what is the preferred web view width? 
>> (To support both portrait and landscape orientations, it needs to be less 
>> than 768 pixels. 600 pixels is a common, Apple suggested, width.) Could you 
>> please enlighten me to what is Twitter's preferred authorization web view 
>> width?
>> 3) Use "GET oauth/authenticate" to acquire the access token and access 
>> secret.
>> 4) As I haven't yet requested my new consumer key and, hence, do not know 
>> some things, will I also be maintaining a consumer secret for my OAuth 
>> signature mechanism?
>>  Thank you for your support.
>> Anon,
>> Andrew
>> P.S. Thank you for the two week extension for our xAuth to OAuth transition. 
>> Because Apple may still reject my app for unrelated to Twitter issues, four  
>>                                                          weeks is still a 
>> totally inadequate period to ensure a zero downtime transition. Please 
>> recognize both the risks to our business and the hardship you are imposing 
>> on small organizations. Furthermore, Apple's WWDC conference occurs in the 
>> middle of your current conversion schedule, this only allows me, in effect, 
>> 3 weeks to make this change. You can really hurt us with your imposed 
>> schedule. While I doubt that is your intent, it is, nonetheless, a likely 
>> outcome. Please double, at least, your conversion period to 8 weeks. 

Andrew W. Donoho
Donoho Design Group, L.L.C., +1 (512) 750-7596,

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. 
    Willing is not enough; we must do.
        -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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