A users access_token for a single application wont change unless it gets
revoked (and maybe an edgecase or two). You can have your users authorized
your app with xAuth and once they go through the web flow from any browser
the access_token already in the application will beg upgraded to access DMs.
Just make sure you use the same consumer key both times.

Abraham Williams | InboxQ <http://inboxq.com/> | abrah.am
@abraham <https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=abraham> |
github.com/abraham | blog.abrah.am
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On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 09:00, Garry <taylor.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I need to use xAuth to access Twitter, my platform of choice (IBM AS/
> 400) has no GUI, and no web browser, so OAuth is out.
> I need to read direct messages, now xAuth won't let me do that as I
> need to ask my users to authorize for direct message access (even
> though, not one has complained).
> Running OAuth on the AS/400 is not going to happen, but I wonder is it
> possible to make a basic app on Windows, or the web to allow my users
> to re-enable Direct Message access, but actually do the reading
> through xAuth? I know it's a long shot, but it's the only one I've got
> at the moment.
> Basically, I'm talking about making a skeleton application to let my
> users push the various OAuth relative buttons, but keep on reading in
> my usual xAuth way?
> Thanks
> Garry
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