The HTTPCli 401 problem (triggered twice is resolved, thanks a lot)...
Now I'm experiencing another "problem" with a SMTP. It's inside a NT service.
The problem occurs after I send any email, in another thread then the 
current one. It's like if a message was sent but with any kind of problem, 
because the thread goes stack overflow, calling again and again with 
parameters 0,0,0 (have look at the call stack), like if a message "nil" or some 
kind of was sent, don't know; I do not get when its triggered yet... 
but I'm looking into... I´m thinking it´s about the WndProc of the SMTPCli,
because the problem trigger only after I send a email
Someone has a clue?


Rm 12:2 - "E não vos conformeis com este século, mas transformai-vos pela 
renovação da vossa mente, para que experimenteis qual seja a boa, agradável e 
perfeita vontade de Deus."
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