Francois Piette wrote:
>> There are some events in WSocket.pas that may be triggered
>> even though csDestroying is in the ComponentState.
>> Shouldn't we check csDestroying before any event is fired?
>> In a multithreading TWSocketServer app. it would help to
>> avoid AV's.
> It seems reasonable. But I wonder which event you have problem with. I've
> a lot of multithreaded applications and have not noticed this kind of
> problem.

When I destroy the SimpleThrdSslServer with alot of threads and clients
I can avoid AV's by this code:

function TCustomWSocket.TriggerDataAvailable(Error : Word) : Boolean;
    Result := Assigned(FOnDataAvailable) and not (csDestroying in 
    if not Result then
>> I would like to suggest a simple new boolean property Pause.
>> If TRUE we would simply Exit from procedure
>> TCustomWSocketServer.TriggerSessionAvailable.
> There is already a method named Pause.
> Basically this is to make the component refuse to accept new connections.

It pauses notification, I'm not 100% sure how Resume behaves,
won't it sure fire no queued events?  

> Why not simply close the socket ?
>> Also Pause should be set to TRUE in the destructor to avoid
>> multithreading-troubles. What do you thing?
> csDestroying is probably enough.
> --
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