Hello Aleksey,
>> system call (#10004)" I'm totally sure that this is bug of
>> TFTPClient when you trying to use threads,

I'm totally sure that this is because you do not use the
component correctly.
Tell us why you want to use threads, ICS can handle hundreds
of concurrent connections easily, each transferring data at
the same time, since it uses non-blocking sockets. 

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Aleksey Potjomkin wrote:
>> Hello !
>> Your components are really great. But i've faced with some problems
>> out here. I'm trying to make multithreaded FTP list checker. I'm not
>> going to talk a lot, i'll just post code of creating TFTPCli
>> component and using it. Here it is (it is very simple):
>> "
>>    // [FTP Component initialization]
>>    FTP = new TFtpClient(NULL);
>>    FTP->Binary = true;
>>    FTP->Port = "ftp";
>>    FTP->Timeout = 15;
>>    FTP->ShareMode = ftpShareExclusive;
>>    FTP->Passive = true;
>>    FTP->MultiThreaded = true;
>>    FTP->ConnectionType = ftpDirect;
>>    // [/FTP Component initialization]
>> "
>> Then in loop "do-while" im taking information from TListView and
>> binding it to the component (Host, User and Pass). Then i'm starting
>> all that. First 3-4 FTPs are checked very good, but ALMOST all
>> others receive such error:    "500 DNS lookup error - Interrupted
>> system call (#10004)" I'm totally sure that this is bug of
>> TFTPClient when you trying to use threads, because if i'll check
>> again those FTPs who had such answer - they will work normally (it
>> is somehow related to blocking hooks or sockets, i don't know
>> exactly). 
>> Can you please tell, how to fix that out ?
>> P.S.: I've attached to letter my program source code. Maybe that
>> will help you find out the real reason of that. There is very simple
>> code. It was created in Borland C++Builder version 6.
>> With Respect,
>> ProgMaster
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