That sounds evil, depending on the code in Client1BusyTimeout() you will slow 
down performance. And what happens on downloading a big file or when data is 
received very slow?  It's much better to write GetTickCount() into a variable 
anytime somethingis received and let a timer check this variable, for example, 
every 5 seconds.

The Client1BusyTimeout() routine does get a tick count and tests if the time is 
greater than the timeout value.  The routine also calls Application.Process 
Are you thinking that a Timer is a better way to go?

If the HttpCli doesn't have a timeout implemented, how does one ever get a 
status code of 408.  I can't assign HttpCli1.StatusCode := 408;

I will test to see if I really needed to disable TCP chimney.

Thank you.

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