Arno Garrels wrote:
> Paul wrote:
>>> Where to you create your class?
>> in ServiceStart
>>> Async or sync methods?
>> Async
>>> Maybe messages are not processed properly.
>>> Are there more threads beside main thread and service thread?
>> It's directlly in the service thread (with message loop)
> Is TService.OnExecute assigned?
> If not, the service thread runs its message loop
> ProcessRequests(FALSE) when OnStart is left, calling another message

Correction: ProcessRequests(TRUE) is called.

> loop in OnStart won't be a good idea. If you assigned
> TService.OnExecute you should show some code.
>>> What ICS version do you use?
>> It's still V5
> Provided you added the old SSL-fixes to v5 posted to ICS-SSL last year
> and to this list recently I have no idea what else might be wrong.
> If it works in the GUI application it's likely a bug in your service
> code?
> --
> Arno Garrels
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