Re-reading your initial message, it looks like you have to simply send 
AnsiString since this looks like what the receiving program is awaiting. 
This is what the original BCB5 program was sending if nothing special has 
been done there.
Now with BCB2009, strings are now UnicodeString instead of AnsiString.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Van Hove" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:13 PM
Subject: [twsocket] THttpCli POST issue with v7 Commit 317

>I just converted a piece of code to CB2009 (coming from BCB5), not
> originally written by myself, so it's a bit searching what is what, but I
> believe I run into a component issue.  Meanwhile I created the same app in
> BCB5 and there is works OK, using the same code.
> I used HEAD version v7, checked out yesterday evening.
> Can somebody confirm, possibly fix if it's an issue ?
> The Problem:
> On the receiving end (webpage) the the POST variable doesn't arrive 
> intact.
> Only the first letter.  In this example case only "t" arrives (so "t = 
> test"
> instead of "test = test"
> As suggested, the value arrives intact (in this case "test")
> The essence I believe is the following
> {code}
> String PostData = "test=test" ;
> THttpCli *HttpCli;
> TMemoryStream *DataOut=NULL;
>  DataOut=new TMemoryStream;
>  DataOut->Write(&PostData[1], PostData.Length()*2);  // CB2009
>  #else
>  DataOut->Write(&PostData[1], PostData.Length());  // BCB 5
>  #endif
>         DataOut->Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
>         HttpCli->SendStream=DataOut;
>         try
>         {
>            HttpCli->Post();
>            DataSuccessFullyDownloaded=true;
>         } __except (TRUE)
>         {
> RawDataStringList->Add("ERROR_CODE="+IntToStr(HttpCli->StatusCode));
>            RawDataStringList->Add("ERROR_MESSAGE="+HttpCli->ReasonPhrase);
>         }
>         delete DataOut; DataOut=NULL;
>      }
> {/code}
> Any ideas ?
> Can you repeat ?
> -- 
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