Hello everybody,

The nice proposal of Michel is an interesting opportunity to head to an 
actual v3 release. I am not overly optimistic for the Google Summer of 
Code, as it is highly competitive for mentoring organizations, but this 
is interesting nonetheless.

Anyway, please find below a first draft of an idea page for the Summer 
of Code. I am posting on the list because the deadline is quite short 
(this week actually :) ) This draft intends to be a packaged version of 
the txt2tags v3 page and ongoing discussions on the list. Please feel 
free to comment of this.

As Aurélio is heading for winter :), I volunteer to be a mentor for 
aspiring students like Michel. Feel free to join us. A mentor is someone 
that the students can refer to on a (almost) daily basis. You would also 
have to grade the student work. Note that the more mentor there is, the 
more balanced the load can be. Contact me if you need more information.
As for the draft below, the ??? indicate we would be glad to have 
volunteers on this task. Note that if we have no or not enough mentors 
we would remove some "ideas". So if there is a feature that you are 
really eager to see implemented, do not hesitate to be a mentor.

More general information on the website for Summer of Code:



Google Summer of Code Ideas

   1. New Implementations

        1.1. Python v3

Python v3 is an important new version for python. It will also not
be backward compatible. So it really makes sense to use python v3 for
txt2tags v3. It will also strengthen the encoding handling (unicode
by default, etc...) of txt2tags.

1. Using the converter
   2to3 (http://docs.python.org/library/2to3.html),
   explore what is/could be broken with the current
   txt2tags v2 series
2. Start the implementation of the core parser as a clean python module
   (command line support using the 2to3 version)
3. Analyze the impact of the incoming deprecation of the % operator (see
   PEP3101 (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/))
4. Start a new implementation, from scratch, in python v3. More
   modular, more extensible.

Requirements: python
Level: medium/difficult
Contact: Emmanuel

        1.2. PHP

With its simple and clean syntax, while remaining flexible,
extensible and multi-target, txt2tags syntax is a very good candidate
to be like a universal wiki syntax. Having an implementation in pure
PHP would ease the integration in existing wiki engines.

1. Implement the core syntax of txt2tags in php
2. Assert the needed level of support of the txt2tags specification
   (besides the core syntax)
   - macros need a study  of the correspondance between
   python and php regexes.
   - support of wiki autolinking (CamelCase and the likes)
3. implement fully txt2tags in php, from scratch

Requirements: php
Level: difficult
Contact: ???

        1.3. Tests Suite

There is already a really comprehensive tests suite but this shall be
improved to support more targets (as the number of targets is
increasing), and to be easily usable for new

1. add more targets to the tests suite
2. build architecture for use with the new upcoming implementations

Requirements: python, unit tests methodology knowledge
Level: medium/difficult
Contact: Aurélio

   2. User Interface

        2.1. Improvements for the CLI

txt2tags has a small set of options. Some improvements are welcomed.

- Multiple target on the -t option:
   txt2tags -t txt,html,tex input.t2t
- Multiple target on the settings:
   %!options(html,xhtml,sgml): --toc
- Easier access to user files: a directory .txt2tags with
   configuration files instead/along with the file .txt2tagsrc
- New ideas

Requirements: python
Level: easy
Contact: Aurélio

        2.2. Graphical Wizard

txt2tags is a command line tool. It can also launch a simple GUI
wizard. The goal of this package is to improve the desktop integration
of this wizard.

1. rewriting of the wizard as a separate script using txt2tags as a
python module
2. improve the desktop integration (toolkit, menu integration, ...)

Requirements: python, gnome or kde programming experience
Level:  easy/medium
Contact: ???

        2.3. Editor(s) Integration

The goal is to integrate txt2tags editing into a full featured
editor. A patch has been integrated for the geany editor

1. Review of the current editor support
2. Complete the geany integration
3. Other editors integration

Requirements: GTK2 for geany, other languages/toolkits would be a plus
Level: medium
Contact: ???

   3. Web Support

        3.1. Improvements of web standards support

txt2tags already outputs valid HTML 4.0 Transitional and
XHTML 1.0 Transitional. The goal is to support higher version.

1. improve the support by implementing valid XHTML 1.1 output
2. have a look at the upcoming HTML5 (for support of the
   <video> tag eg.)

Requirements: python, precise knowledge of web stantards would be a plus
Level:  medium
Contact:  ???

        3.2. See also

See PHP implementation (#php)

   4. Extensions for txt2tags

        4.1. New Extension Mechanism

It is possible to extend txt2tags functionnalities quite easily using
banks of pre/postproc rules, or templates. The goal of this package is
to present and to implement a comprehensive extension mechanism for

1. Consolidate the existing features
2. Discuss with the community how to cleanly extend txt2tags with
3. Implement the extension mechanism

Requirements: python, good communication and teamwork skills
Level:  medium
Contact:  Emmanuel

        4.2. Proposing Extensions

There have been feature requests and ideas for extensions for
txt2tags. Using the current mechanism, and having in mind the
discussions about the new extensions mechanisms (#newext), implement
(without being limited to this list)
the following extensions:

- smileys:  a bank of png and macros for smileys
- beamer: add beamer LaTex class support (with multi-target in mind)
- maths: add easy support for inputing maths formulas (for target tex
   and html, discuss others)
- ...

Requirements: python, good communication with the community
Level: easy/medium
Contact: Emmanuel

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