Hello Eric,

I totally agree with you that a client-side rendering of txt2tags
would be great.
I don't think your two tries are really a base we could build on.

It seems to me that there is three "real" mardown implementation in javascript:

For different reasons the first looks clearly as the best.


On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:04 AM, Little Girl <littlerg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there,
> Forgeot Eric wrote:
>> There are some cool javascript tools out there, for example
>> http://epiceditor.com/, http://dillinger.io/ or
>> http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js (most of them are only
>> markdown-friendly)
>> We would be able to use them if txt2tags had a javascript
>> implementation like "Marked" for markdown:
>> https://github.com/chjj/marked
>> I've tried to adapt some Creole js converter, but my javascript
>> skills are quite limited.
>> Here are so far my tries:
>> https://github.com/farvardin/t2t.js
>> https://github.com/farvardin/jstxt2tags
>> Some syntax is missing, but since they are both based on very
>> simple js code, it should be rather easy for someone fluent in js
>> to finish the work.
>> Is someone here interested in working on this?
> My JavaScript skills are not quite up to this, but I'd be happy to
> test anything you or anyone else writes and give my feedback and
> possibly be somewhat useful in debugging. (:
> --
> Little Girl
> There is no spoon.
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