Shalom everyone.
This is a special reminder for the 2006 Summer Picnic.  For those that are thinking of attending this year's picnic, you have less than one week to get your RSVPs in at the reduced/preferred rates!  Please act now, as explained below.
TYJP Annual Summer Picnic:
When:  Sunday, August 27, 2006
Time:  11:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Where:  Lake Crabtree County Park, Morrisville
Cost: $6 for members; $9 for non-members; $15 for new membership + picnic; $15 for Late RSVP’s
(RSVP’s AND Payments must be received by August 20th to qualify for the preferred rate).
It's that time of year again.  Join us this year as we gather at Lake Crabtree for TYJP's annual picnic.  We will be barbecuing hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken and vegetarian items, and drinks (non-alcoholic) to be served with a variety of traditional picnic side items.  The annual picnic has always been TYJP's best attended event each year and we are looking to continue that tradition.  There are also boats available for rental ($4/hour).  There are volleyball courts and a football field nearby.
RSVP and PAYMENT (see below for details) are appreciated in advance for this event due to the costs of the food and the rental of the picnic shelter.  RSVP and payment must be received by Sunday, August 20, 2005, for the discount. For more information, please contact Michael C. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Jamie K. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Take I-40 to Exit 285, Aviation Parkway.  Turn right if you're coming from I-40 east, and left if coming from I-40 west (go south, away from the airport). Look for the entrance to Lake Crabtree County Park on the left in less than a mile.  We will be at the Dogwood Shelter.  Follow the signs to the Dogwood Shelter.
TO RSVP for the Summer Picnic:
Option 1:  If you want to pay by check or money order, please send it payable to TYJP to:
    c/o Michael Cohen
    308 Silk Hope Drive
    Cary, NC 2751
Please also send an email to Michael
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) letting him know the check is in the mail.
Option 2:  PayPal payment by cash transfer.  (TYJP cannot accept credit card payments, so you must have a PayPal verified bank account)
      Members ($6.00)
      Non-Members/Guests of Members ($9.00)
      New Membership + Picnic paid  ($15.00)
      Paying after August 20 (or at the door) ($15.00 for all)
Option 3:  Pay any board member by cash, check, or money order at any upcoming TYJP event.
For anyone paying at the door: please bring exact change or a check payable to TYJP.  Making change at the picnic is usually a challenge.
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