This may be common knowledge to most of you, but I just looked at a
program that I wrote without gvim and there are no CRs.  So the million
dollar question is: how do I keep those from existing when editing with

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Waldie 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 1:23 PM
Subject: gvim on UD

I modified a program using gvim (for the first time) this morning, but
the compiler returns several errors, the first of which is due to a line
with nothing but a CR.  I obviously need to tweak something.  Has anyone
out here encountered this?

* Shawn Waldie                San Juan College *
* Programmer/Analyst         4601 College Blvd *
* Phone: (505)566-3072   Farmington, NM  87402 *
*      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       *
*                                              *
* HP-UX 11.11   UniData 6.0.4    Colleague R17 *
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