D'oh!  Disregard last post.  I'm working on too little sleep.  DIMENSIONED
arrays, not dynamic ...

Larry Hiscock
Western Computer Services 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Hiscock
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 2:42 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] Dymanic vs Dimensioned

I don't recall InfoBasic dynamic arrays ever being limited to 1 or 2
dimensions, but then, I didn't start working with PI until the early 80's.
As far back as I can recall ('79 or so, on a Microdata Reality system)
dynamic arrays supported three dimensions.

So, enlighten me :-D

Larry Hiscock
Western Computer Services

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stevenson, Charles
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 8:24 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] Dymanic vs Dimensioned

>From: Clifton Oliver
> >  "Always remember that you should never believe any rule containing
> >  words 'always' or 'never'".

Its corollary:

   "All truth is relative."


   "We will not tolerate intolerance."

taught in all seriousness by Postmodern liberal arts professors.
And exactly opposite of what moderns as diverse as Patrick Henry and
Voltaire would say:

   "I disagree with you, but defend your right to believe it."

> I was always amused to see which ones caught that and which ones just
>  it down in their notes.

But, Clif, I would think _most_ of your students came with BSs not BAs.
Like I said, most of this POSTmodern stuff comes from the Liberal Arts side
of academe.  The colleges of sciences cannot be so cavalier.  They accept
the Enlightenment (modern) notion that there is an external reality, a
notion that historically grew out of the Christian notion of a rational
(thank-you, Greeks) transcendent God (thank-you, Hebrews) who created a
rationally coherent universe (thank-you God;  as opposed for a mostly
rational coherent UniVerse, thank-you Meeks & Herbert.  (It is strange how
God's "universe" gets lowercased, where Meeks'&Herbert's gets capitalized
(thank-you English).) ). 


And now - to keep our beloved moderator, Chuck Barouch, from kicking this
post into the shallow end of u2-community:

Do you know why dimensioned arrays were first limited to only 1 or 2
dimensions in Pick or Info-Basic?

Would it be a terrible complication to the compiler to allow as many
dimensions as the programmer needs?

Whether or not dimensioned arrays are useful for manipulating stored data
records, they have other legitimate uses.  But they would be much more
useful if the programmer could specify as many dimensions as made sense in
his application.

Chuck "I'm not the Chuck who adds a quotation thing in the middle of his
name" Stevenson
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