What does the L_filename look like? It stores all of the records written
to the file while the index was disabled. Perhaps a permission issue on

Is the file in use while you are doing this? The disable.index won't
come into effect on a file until it is closed in basic - perhaps that's
also true of enable.index. Perhaps a trigger on the file is keeping it

The basic command INDICES() may also provide some more info/clues.

At this stage you may have to remove the index and rebuild it.

Sorry, not much help. Once I found the disable.index caused the entire
record to be written to the log each time it was updated I realized it
was not going to work for us. There was a problem with the udtsort.exe
and indexes - but I think that might have been an earlier version.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, AB

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kevin King
>Is there a BASIC equivalent to the DISABLE.INDEX TCL command 
>on Unidata 5.2?
>I have a weird situation at a client site now where I'll do a 
>LIST.INDEX on a particular file and it'll say "Enabled, 
>Indices require updating", I'll UPDATE.INDEX and do the 
>LIST.INDEX again and it says the same thing again.  I've 
>searched through ever scrap of code I can find to see if 
>there's a program writing to this file that is turning off the 
>automatic updates or writing somehow without the index update, 
>and I can't find DISABLE.INDEX or ENABLE.INDEX anywhere in code.
>Any ideas?
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