Thanks to Wendy, JayJay, and Kevin who responded to my previous posts
about Java.

Your replies, and the docs, all indicate that the U2 Java API only
accommodates calls TO UV or UD databases, or Basic subroutines.

>From the code examples (found, thanks Wendy), and docs, it appears there
is no UV call to a Java class, from within a Basic subroutine.

In this credit card project, the UV host is actually the client, calling
a Java API which communicates with a Linux host running Live Processor
software (by Retail Decisions).  The LP server then passes the Auth
request or settlement to the actual credit card processor across a

We can run the Java client (a testing shell script) from the Unix
command line and test the connection and run Test scenarios.  That all

What I need help on is some elegant way to make the client call from UV
Basic, hopefully passing/receiving some arguments/parameters.  The
client is multi-threaded so the connection is persistent for the life of
each call, returning a Transaction ID and various response codes
(decline/approval & why, etc.).

Thanks for taking the time.  I'm thankful for this community.  TIA.

R. Baker Hughes
UniVerse Programming
Mouser Electronics, Inc.
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