Michael Doyle wrote on 01/12/2006 12:52:14 PM:

> If AIX used \n as a line terminator (in keeping with standard UNIX 
> binary vs ascii mode would not be an issue, but according to the 
> wikipedia, it uses EBCDIC 0x15: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline

Since anybody can post anything into a wiki, any information contained 
therein should be taken with a huge grain of salt.  AIX is a UNIX system, 
not a mainframe system, as claimed in the link.  It uses ASCII, not 
EBCDIC.  You can move text files directly between AIX and any other UNIX 
without problems.  Besides, binary files like databases should -  as 
pointed out by many other posters - be moved with binary mode, which means 
that the line terminator issue is not a factor.

We need to hear back from the OP as to whether binary mode was used and 
what was meant by "converting the files for Linux use".  Then we can get 
closer to a solution.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist , U2 Professional Services
North American Lab Services
DB2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
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