My Bad, I meant [1,2], not the year part. Actually the [1,2] works for both
hemispheres if the SET-DATE command is set to either US or European. Thus
[1,2] or "DM" grabs the month and [4,2] or "DD" grabs the day.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Glenfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] OPEN Statement DICT Default

> You did mean
> OCONV(DATE(),"D2/")[1,2] for month, at least in the Western Hemisphere
> and [4,2] for the Eastern, right? ;-)
> Roger
> Mark Johnson wrote:
> >I specifically remember being taught
> >X=STR("0",5-LEN(X)):X
> >for the 00001 concept.
> >Before the % was allowed, a shorter form was
> >X=("00000":X)"R#5"
> >which I recall using until % came about.
> >
> >On that note, I stole "R-10" and "C#10" from UD and offered it to D3
> >hopefully for their next release.
> >
> >Thanks
> >Mark Johnson
> >
> >P.S. Many use OCONV(DATE(),"D2/")[7,2] for the month. I think DATE()"DM"
> >the shortest way.
> >Puzzle: Illustrate the simplest way to generate Jan thru Dec.
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