On 6/14/06, Adrian Merrall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No you mention it.  IIRC there was a change regarding zip files.  The
contents of zip files are no longer automatically added to the
classpath, only jars.  An easy fix is to rename asjava.zip to
asjava.jar.  I know this is the case for the tomcat class-loader, but
I don't know if this a tomcat thing or a jvm thing.

That's a Tomcat (or possibly Servlet Specification) thing.

The JVM thing is that you have to specify the jar (or zip) filename on
the classpath.  You can't just say -cp /path/to/lib (where lib
contains some jars) and have them automatically picked up.
Conversely, if you have class files "loose" in a hierarchy, you need
only put the "top level" directory on the classpath.

That's why people will often extract the files from a jar and then
discover that "it works".  :)

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