A while back I mentioned some problems we had found with UV 10.2 (see
below).  According to IBM, 2 of these issues have been resolved and will be
included in the next release of UV.  Which, to my understanding, will be




1.  When exiting out of an SBClient session by clicking on the "X" in the
upper right corner the session will close, but the UniVerse Port is left
"logged in."  IBM informed us there is also an issue with group locks, see
excerpt below.

It has come to light that there was a problem introduced in UniVerse

10.2 where if the "QUIT" or "OFF" verbs were being used, an application
Error evernt was created and group locks were being left active.  Do you
recall if your customer appeared to be experiencing active group locks?

IBM is shooting for a tentative fix date sometime this month for this issue.

2.  When using callHTTP with a client side certificate the POST will

Return an error because of changes in the new openssl being used.



Mike Dallaire


IBM Certified Solutions Expert - U2 UniVerse V9.6 Administrator for Unix and

Mortgage Builder Software Inc.

(248) 304-0600 x 103

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