So, what good is that for those of us who live on Unix/Linux and don't
have the option of running Accuterm?

I use gvim, which has pretty good syntax highlighting,
copy/move/find-replace, etc. I prefer it to ED. I've never used AE.

I guess it's time to do some experimenting with other technologies.

OH, and just for fun, consider this: I write my HTML code with gvim or
vim, period...

Old School or just stubborn? hmmm.


<quote who="MAJ Programming">
> <Shameless plug for Accuterm>
> If you haven't used WED, their Windows EDitor, you're missing a ton of
> helpful editor stuff. All of the shortcuts and command-line tricks pale by
> comparison.
> Funny, how everybody talks about the latest XYZ alphabetic technologies
> yet
> still use an editor barely better than vi or EDLIN. And don't let your
> years
> of experience sway you to protecting that fingertip editor. I've been
> using
> the regular EDIT, AE or vi coming up on 30 years and WED blows them all
> away. (this ain't a contest)
> WED alone without their graphical developer tools (GED) or their powerful
> emulator is worth the price. Accuterm is truly one of the best bargains in
> the MV world.
> </Shameless plug for Accuterm>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jerry Banker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 10:21 AM
> Subject: RE: [U2] Over-coming EDitor shortcomings
>> I created a pre-store, a few years back, that does something similar
>> thing in the regular editor. I think we were still on UV 7.4 at the
>> time.
>> >ED &ED& FIB
>> 6 lines long.
>> ----: P
>> 0001: EPre-stored Command saved at 16:50:53 24 JUN 1998
>> 0002: FORMAT
>> 0003: SAVE
>> 0005: XEQ BASIC @FILE @ID
>> Bottom at line 6.
>> So when in the regular editor all you have to do is type in: .X FIB
>> Which is a few more key strokes but less than all of the commands.
>> I didn't want to do the run because most of the development at the time
>> was done on a live system. But you could add: XEQ @FILE @ID or XEQ @ID
>> after the last line and save it as FIBR to do as you are doing.
>> Jerry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Baker Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 8:40 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [U2] Over-coming EDitor shortcomings
>> </snip>
>>      FIX
>> 0001 PA
>> 0002 FORMAT BP <<I2,Enter BP item>>
>> 0003 ED BP <<I2,Enter BP item>>
>> 0004 HUSH ON
>> 0005 DELETE BP.O <<I2,Enter BP item>>
>> 0006 HUSH OFF
>> 0007 BASIC BP <<I2,Enter BP item>>
>> My 2 bits on this topic.
>> Karl
>> <snip\>
>> Which is why I like the AE [alternate] editor.
>> Once you've executed a format command in your logon session, you simply
>> type 'FOR' at any time the rest of the day, in any edit session, to
>> format with the same parameters.
>> FOR -I3 -M3 [Indention of 3, margin of 3]
>> BTW, If you're chasing a pesky bug that's hidden in a 14 tier nested
>> LOOP,IF,CASE,Whatever then use this:
>> 'FOR -TRACE'  it will put pipes in for you where we used to draw lines
>> with our ruler to trace the logical flow.
>> Then when your done and want to compile:
>> 'FIBR' will file it, compile it, and run it [don't get to habitual with
>> the 'R' if your in a sub].
>> The AE invoked compiler removes the old source when it starts, that way
>> if the compile produces no object, it doesn't run the old object code.
>> At least this is the behavior on UV 10 or higher.
>> 356:
>> 357:    IF HOLD # '' AND NOT(ALARM) THEN
>> *--: FOR -I3 -M3
>> Margin=3, Indentation=3, -incase
>> !!!!!!
>> *--: FOR
>> Margin=3, Indentation=3, -incase
>> !!!!!!
>> *--: FIB
>> Filed "DOE.WRITE.SUB.F1675" in file "BHB".
>> Compiling: Source = '/system1/dev.programs/BHB/DOE.WRITE.SUB.F1675',
>> Object = '/system1/dev.programs/BHB.O/DOE.WRITE.SUB.F1675'
>> ************************************************************************
>> ***********************
>> 000671
>> Compilation Complete.
>> Of course, you could stack the FORmat command and the FIBR command into
>> a saved prestore that you recall when you begin your edit session, but
>> that's another subject.
>> FWIW,
>> -Baker
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Karl Pearson
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ATS Industrial Supply, Inc.
800-789-9300 x29
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"To mess up your Linux PC, you have to really work at it;
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