I wanted to send a note on this much earlier, but have been tied up until 
now.  We can't certify that other solutions, such as C.R., will work with 
our products, but we really do want them to work.  It sort of makes sense 
that we would, because if our customers can't succeed with their 
solutions, neither will we.   We have an engineering case open on this 
issue and we're working to get it fixed.  This case has been open for less 
than two weeks, though, so we'll need a bit more time to deliver a 

David, please contact me if you have any questions.   I'll try to follow 
up with you when I can.

Best regards,

David Peters
U2 Servers Product Manager
IBM Information Management
Phone: 1-303-773-7783 
Internal: 656-7783
Mark your calendar!


09/17/2008 05:09 PM
Please respond to


Re: [U2] [UD] Crystal Reports and UniData

I agree with you 100% Tony from the independence makes things 'better' for 
people who are platform agnostic -- we're talking a 100% UniData solution 
in all cases, and the issue we're seeing more and more is that prospects 
want to see that the 'core engine' supports the ability to use BI tools 
they know and love.  The do not want to learn to love what we use now - 
they want to use CR for their ad hoc BI queries. It's an RFP-deal-breaker 
more and more in being able to check 'works with Crystal Reports' ... Even 
if IBM owns Cognos, Crystal Reports is *the* defacto standard in Business 
Intelligence/ Reporting (sorry IBM).   A standard of if OLE-DB (or ODBC) 
'works' in my mind is if CR works with it -- it's like the IE browser -- 
you can carp all day that it's not compliant with the stanrdard -- but 
honestly -- it SETS the standards.  CR is the same way in the BI world.... 
 So you can't really say that OLE-DB 'works' if a major consumer of the 

That said, before I actually told the client I"m working with that they 
need to start pushing on IBM for a resolution (that is, a resolution 
beyond 'Huh! Yeah - I had heard that it didn't work.' <g>)  I wanted to 
ensure it was not something that we had 'missed' in our setup and testing. 
 No one has sung out that a current version of CR is in use using a direct 
OLE-DB provider connection, which was the main answer we needed to hear. 
Hey, we make mistakes (hourly if you watch close enough!) so we wanted to 
ensure that our Crystal testing was an accurate representation of the 
current state of the UniData art...

I do want to say that OLE-DB is working like a CHAMP with DBxtra.Net -- a 
BI tool we found to see if it was a 'generic' OLE-DB error, or specific to 
CR.  And it's specific to CR.  Even so - CR is the 'gold standard' - so 
we're stuck with it!

And, yes - while these kinds of things can be done in any number of ways - 
we're looking for the 'fewest moving parts for a UniData specific 
implenetation' and to be able to say that "IBM's UniData has an OLE-DB 
provider that is CR-Ready"-- I suspect the 3rd party products would 
increase performance and give other benefits, but that's a whole 'nuther 

Thanks again!
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