This cries for a ICONV / OCONV code:

George Gallen wrote:
In our case, we would also have to build a cross reference to all the
'F' VOC's whose actual filenames are different from their ID's, since
we have a lot of longer filenames with truncated unix filenames.

Or is there a system cross reference file already setup we could tap.
I wrote a "user-exit" style OCONV/ICONV that will convert unix filenames to/from Universe names. It's mostly to handle the slashes, backslashes, question marks, etc. that are legal in UV but illegal UV.
Works for filenames and type-19 "item" ids.

It could be made to handles longname/shortname (type-1 vs -19) differences, too. I avoid the hated archaic type-1, so just always use type-19 & longnames on..

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