Hi Curt,

Two additional thoughts on converting software from mvBase to  Universe:

1. Port numbers are assigned randomly (I think) by Universe at the time of logon. I am not aware of any means to lock any particular user into any particular port number. Maybe someone else knows a trick that I don't know.

2. There is no compatibility between the mvBase account-save on tape and Universe, and there is no compatibility between the mvBase virtual accout-save and the Universe virtual uvrestore command.

There is a convD3 executable that converts a D3 virtual account-save into a virtual file that can be restored using the Universe uvrestor command, and there may be an mvBase version of that command - eg convmvB - floating around that someone on this list may have. It didn't exist when we did our first conversion so I've never used it.

<AD> For our first conversion from mvBase to Universe, we wrote two programs, TAPE.DUMP and TAPE.LOAD.

TAPE.DUMP dumps all the files, dicts and the MD from any mvBase account to tape with a label that contains the parameters necessary to recreate the file on Universe.

TAPE.LOAD recreates each dict, data section and the MD on Universe, if necessary, and then loads the contents from the tape into that section on Universe.

They do require the use of the same, or two compatible, tape drives on both systems, or on the same system if mvBase and Universe are installed in the same computer.

And, there are SCSI connectors that connect to USB ports to support external tape drives on Windows.

We provide these two programs at no additional charge, along with SpoolerPlus.

You can let me know if you think these programs will be helpful to you. </AD>

And, finally, there is always Accuterm to migrate data, one-file-at-a-time.

Please let me know if you have any other specific questions.



Dave Taylor
Sysmark Information Systems, Inc.
Authorized IBM Business Partner
49 Aspen Way
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
(O) 800-SYSMARK (800-797-6275)
(F) 310-377-3550
(C) 310-561-5200
----- Original Message ----- From: "Curt Stewart" <cstewa...@earthlink.net>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 2:43 PM
Subject: [U2] Converting from mvBase to Universe

I have a client that is considering moving from an mvBase system to a
Universe (Windows) system.  A lot of their processes are tied to specific
ports and ranges.  Is there an easy solution in Universe to "nail" the
telnet ports for the users?

Also, they use UREAD and UWRITE and take advantage of the MVClients ability
to read and write to the local workstation, instead of the server when not
using MVClient.  I haven't heard of this separation being available in
Universe, other than using something like Accuterm, am I right? Or is there
an easy way to distinguish between writing to the local drive vs. the
server?  How has others handled this conversion issue?  Right now we're
planning on assigning each user a directory on the server to write to, does
anyone have any alternate ideas?

Thanks for the help, I appreciate hearing your solutions.

TRI-SYS Consulting


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