
Does this suggest that the UV (or other database) telnet server will be
listening on each of these non-standard ports ( the std telnet listening
port is 23?

In UV, the telnet server port can be changed to any port no. other than 23,
but only to one other port no. afaik.  From that telnet port no., as Ross
said, each user is assigned a PID on which to connect with UV.

afaik, mvBase is the only mv database that supports more than one telnet server port, and mvBase ties each telnet server port to one or more (a pool) of mvBase user connections, so this could be done on a onn-to-one basis in mvBase.



Dave Taylor
Sysmark Information Systems, Inc.
Authorized IBM Business Partner
49 Aspen Way
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
(O) 800-SYSMARK (800-797-6275)
(F) 310-377-3550
(C) 310-561-5200
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ross Ferris" <>
To: "U2 Users List" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Converting from mvBase to Universe

A "nailed port" in this context means that someone initiating a telnet
(style) session to a non-standard port (lets say 5123) would ALWAYS be
logged in as a fixed/known user number (say "user number 123"), rather
than assigned a pseudo-random PID. By having your terminal emulator
setup to use a specific port, you get something akin to the days of
serial lines, where a wire from your terminal would always have you
coming in on a fixed "port" (or user) number.

Using this, some people (the OP included I'm guessing) would activate
features based on this port number. "Back in the day" our tools were
used in a DOD project (SASPers) and some facilities were only available
from known/secured locations, as determined by a signal running along a
dedicated wire connecting the terminal device & the server.

So, the "nailed telnet port" became a mechanism to keep some of these
facilities going.

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage > Better by Design!

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:u2-users-] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, 23 July 2009 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Converting from mvBase to Universe

Nailing ports on Windows is a critical issue.? IANA port rules specify
well-known and registered ports?ports should NOT be used without
registration.? At a minimum, a good OS would leave them alone at least
for requests for "dynamic" or "random" port numbers.? However, Windows
will grab ANYTHING above 1024 (including all registered ports)?unless
you reserve it in the registry first.

One way to do it is to program Windows to just reserve all ports from
say 1025 thru 49151 (or another range appropriate for your system).
The Dynamic and/or Private Ports as specified by IANA are those from
49152 through 65535.?

To reserve ports on Windows, at least on 2003, the doc is here:

Hope that helps!

Steve Kneizys
Author of TMI Open Architecture Listener (IANA port 8300)

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Robinson <>
To: U2 Users List <>
Cc: Curt Stewart <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 22, 2009 11:13 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Converting from mvBase to Universe


RE: "nailed" ports.

After a lot of hair pulling, I solved this problem on Unix but I don't
know if
it can be done on Windows and certainly not the same way.

On Unix, UV uses a file named unohist but IIRC, on Windows, it uses the
PID as
the port #.

I have a couple of ideas so contact me directly and I may be able to
help you.

Don Robinson

From: Curt Stewart <>
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 5:43:05 PM
Subject: [U2] Converting from mvBase to Universe

I have a client that is considering moving from an mvBase system to a
Universe (Windows) system.  A lot of their processes are tied to
ports and ranges.  Is there an easy solution in Universe to "nail" the
telnet ports for the users?

Also, they use UREAD and UWRITE and take advantage of the MVClients
to read and write to the local workstation, instead of the server when
using MVClient.  I haven't heard of this separation being available in
Universe, other than using something like Accuterm, am I right? Or is
an easy way to distinguish between writing to the local drive vs. the
server?  How has others handled this conversion issue?  Right now we're
planning on assigning each user a directory on the server to write to,
anyone have any alternate ideas?

Thanks for the help, I appreciate hearing your solutions.

TRI-SYS Consulting

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