Does anyone have an example of an XPath definition to extract an
attribute from an XML element?  The universe documentation for 10.3 and
11.1 doesn't cover this.   

I am trying to get the value of "ProductId" from the following XML

<pr:Feed xmlns:pr="urn:someurl">
      <Product ProductId="ABC">
      <Product ProductId="123">
      <Product ProductId="XYZ">

Using the this extraction file:

<U2XML_extraction xmlns:USxml=""; >
   <file_extraction start="/Data" dictionary="XMLTESTFILE" null="EMPTY"
   <field_extraction field="@ID" path="Products/Product/@ProductId" ,/>

I get the following error:

Open XML data file failed.
XMLParser error message: Fatal error at file
'/Volume1/MIS/&XML&/test.ext', line 3, column 69. Message: Expected an
attribute name

Open XML data file failed.
XMLParser error message: Fatal error at file
'/Volume1/MIS/&XML&/test.ext', line 3, column 69. Message: Expected an
attribute name

Unable to open "XMLDATA:EDGENET_XML,&XML&/test.ext" file.
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