> From:  Brian Leach 
> Did also do a runoff to nroff converter at one time, but that's also
> missing. Sorry.

[AD along with commentary]

My ConnectingFlight utility hasn't quite gone missing, but it was
written in VB6 and I'm afraid that if someone needs docs converted I
would need to reinstall an XP box and VB6 just to do the job.
ConnectingFlight converts JET, Runoff, OP, UltiWord, DocuMentor, and
other flavors and mixed-flavor documents to Microsoft Word, Google
Docs, Star Office, RTF, PDF, and HTML. The difference between this and
simple print-and-render homegrown solutions is that the documents are
still editable with mainstream tools, with proper tabs, headers and
footers, fonts and styles, columns, indexes, table of contents, page
numbering, section breaks, and every other feature available in the
MV-based products, except that they don't link back to the database.

Inability to link back to MV wasn't a bug, it was a design
consideration, and apropos to this thread, there was almost no demand
for it. No one who converted docs wanted the .READ statements to go
back into MV. People getting documents converted were generally
migrating away from MV, to new systems that did wiz-bang things like
mail merges with "real" word processors. That's the dividing line -
people either want to stay with MV and use the old tools, or they're
going to leave MV thinking that's what they need to do to get the new
tools. That's pure misinformation reinforced by "value-add" resellers,
whose value-add stops with their accounting rules and doesn't extend
to integrating MV with the rest of the modern office. (As always, if
that doesn't apply to 'you', don't be offended.)

The most important thing to remember about your choice of old and new
tools is that as a technician Your preference is irrelevant. What's
important is the preference and perspective of non-technical people
who use your system, and the management that funds its operation. Your
die-hard support for legacy tools only serves to label you and the
system you claim to love. The tighter you hold onto those tools the
more crazy you look to everyone else and the faster you will be
replaced. The way to keep the tools you want to use is to ensure that
everyone else sees the tools they expect to see in a modern
environment. That's not AE/ED, RUNOFF, or CSV files masquerading as

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products
worldwide, and provides related development services
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