Whoe dude, hang on. :)

The answer to the question "does this exist" or "what do you folks
think" isn't to do an install.

There are already generic resources available. We don't need yet
another wiki site with yet another login and markup language. I was
hoping we could make use of one of the existing, well-known resources
before jumping to something completely new. Yeah, I know the SB/XA
wiki has been around a while but unless a site uses SB, chances are
they don't know about that site ... like me. I didn't even know that
SB/XA Wiki existed - there isn't a single mention of it at PickWiki.
Honestly, I don't believe yet another site will thrive in isolation.
There are too many of these already. 

And ... SB/XA is NOT the XAdmin. These two offerings deserve their own


> From: Jo Lester 
> I am attempting to install right now.  While looking for answers,
> site keeps cropping up in my search.
> http://sbxa.wikia.com/wiki/

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