Charles, your point is well taken.  I am on the site alot, and have the 
same struggles finding what I need.
The other day I was searching for a specific Tech bulletin .... the exact 
number, and it wouldn't find it.

R. Baker Hughes
Senior UV DBA, Wipro/NMG

From:   Charles Stevenson <>
To:     U2 Users List <>, 
Date:   02/21/2014 08:37 AM
Subject:        Re: [U2] wasted time on
Sent by:

The question was "Why can't it be easy to find?"
not "Where is it?"

Searching Rocket website is difficult.

The other day someone on this list was searching for Tech support 
Survivor's guide.
Did he find it?  We were told he needed a 2UBC login to get to it.  Not 
for the riffraff.

Try finding Mark Baldridge's "Hitchhiker's Guide To UniVerse", which 
should be required reading.
Go to  homepage & enter some variants of
     "Hitchhiker's guide to the universe"
at the search prompt of rocket software homepage.
      "Your search yielded no results"
Keep going.   You can limit the product families to "U2". (Although I 
don't think that really does anything.)  Nada.
Tell me how long it takes to find it.

Try to find out what particular error codes mean.

Known issues and the release where they are fixed are buried in some 
help file you can get to only by looking up particular releases in a 
product matrix and downloading the entire help file.
At least, that's the only way I've found.

Do you have to do that for Lnux? MS? HP? any other software product you 
I used a new MS backup tool to backup a Win8 server & its virtual 
servers.  I got an error code.  I am decidedly not a windows 
administrator.  But on 1st attempt I found a useable MS answer.

I rely on this u2-list.  It's quicker to post a question here than wade 
through RS looking for anything.
A couple weeks ago I couldn't remember syntax for the old, arcane 
"Revise".  Posted the q here & got 2 answers.

On 2/20/2014 8:05 PM, wrote:
> It is on the Tech Connect website.  You might need a u2tc login to get 
> the product matrix.
> Then enter Product desired, and OS:
> Regards,
> R. Baker Hughes
> Senior UV DBA, Wipro/NMG
> From:   Marc Harbeson <>
> To:     U2 Users List <>,
> Date:   02/20/2014 11:00 AM
> Subject:        [U2] wasted time on
> Sent by:
> why can the download for the U2 clients not be easy to find on the web
> site?!?!?

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