Notice my next paragraph begins with the word "Seriously...".  Yes XML has
been usuable as a connectivity medium for years, but how many people are
taking advantage of it?  Microsoft and other companies are continually
developing tools to reduce the time and money aspect of using XML, and make
it easier to make use of relational databases, but I doubt most MV users or
developers are keeping up with the details.  No matter how much free
information is available, I don't seriously think professionals like us who
provide information, products, and services will go out of business anytime
soon.  ETL tools are always in vogue.


>    Could you do me a favor and not declare my entire market 
>segment dead.
>"You now have the keys to data integration heaven and you 
>don't need to buy any more tools or migration services."
>    The fact is, I could move data from any system to any other system 
>before XML, we all could. The question is always the 'time value of 
>money' equation. If a tool makes things work more 
>consistently, faster, 
>and with less setup time.... I still see a value.
>    - Charles Barouch
>Tony Gravagno wrote:
>>Without purchasing extra software, probably the easiest thing 
>to do in 
>>a migration these days is to take advantage of free .NET 
>features which 
>>allow seamless exchanges between XML and ADO.NET:
>>1) It's simple to write code to wrap data in XML.
>>2) You can use a program provided with the .NET Framework to 
>generate a 
>>Schema from the XML into a .XSD file.
>>3) ADO.NET imports XSD files to create an internal map of a dataset.
>>4) With one line of code ADO.NET can read XML and store the data as a 
>>relational dataset.
>>Connecting the dots: It's easy to go from any MV platform into XML, 
>>then into ADO.NET, and from there to any Relational DBMS.
>>And now that I've let the cat out of the bag, I have to retire a poor 
>>man. You now have the keys to data integration heaven and you don't 
>>need to buy any more tools or migration services.
>>Seriously the way the technology is implemented depends on the 
>>application. If you ARE interested in data migrations From 
>any platform 
>>To any platform, I'll be happy to help.
>>Nebula R&D
>>Former D3 DBMS Product Manager, Raining Data
>>Technical Editor, C#Builder Kick Start, SAMS Publishing Author, "Web 
>>Services and .NET" series, Spectrum Magazine
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