are you running aircontrol?

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 6:45 AM, Sam Morris <> wrote:

> Have any of you ever known the MTU setting in the Network Tab on a
> Rocket M2 (AP) to change itself? I started getting calls Sunday morning
> (primarily from Mac users) saying some of their websites wouldn't load.
> To make too long of a story short, I found that the MTU size was set to
> 1492 on the AP. (We do use PPPoE, and the MTU on the CPEs is set to
> 1492.) It should have been 1500. Changing it back to 1500 fixed all the
> issues.
> My question is this: Other than me, no one has the password to get into
> the AP. I hadn't been into it in many days (or weeks). Yet somehow the
> MTU size changed and it obviously happened sometime between Saturday
> (when things for my users were fine) and Sunday morning (when things
> became hinky). There were some storms in the area, however I don't
> believe there was a lightning strike (as if that would only change the
> MTU setting and not affect anything else on the radio, or the other 11
> radios on the same tower). There *was* a bad port on the Netonix switch
> it was plugged into, however as with a lightning strike, I wouldn't
> think even a shorted port on the switch would change only that one
> setting - I could see it defaulting the entire radio, but not one
> setting like that.
> Anyone ever seen anything like that?
> Thanks
> Sam
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