<! Warning: rant >

Why oh why?

Just ordered 10 PBE-5AC-GEN2-US UBNT Powerbeam M5 Gen2 AC

So I expect to get 2 boxes 5 each just as the PBE-5 are packaged.  

BUT NOOOOOOO.  They now stick 2 radios in the same size box as the PBE-5

So now I pay 2.5 X the shipping and have to discard even more cardboard.

UBNT who is your biggest customer?  The end user or the WISP?

Mind you we have over 1000 radios in the field and in our territory there are 
maybe 3 end user links.  So why do you package your equipment geared to 
endusers?  For me put 10 radios and adapters in one box and 10 dishes in 
another box with the hardware and you make me very happy.  And don’t send me 
instructions flyers.   

<! end rant >
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