On 07/11/2007, Matthew Nuzum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2007 12:14 AM, Troy James Sobotka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> > Another problem with dark themes is a purely technical one. I've done a
> > handful dark themes myself, but they always end up with small glitches
> > here and there because not all apps are designed to respect the theme
> > 100% This makes for a bit of an amateurish feel in the long run. That is
> > not acceptable for Hardy.
> >
> > I always seem to find myself in agreement with Mikkel's observations
> > and conclusions.
> >
> One thing we may want to consider is quickly getting a dark theme in place
> in Hardy so that by Alpha 1, which is released November 29th, we can start
> getting bug reports on these problems.
> This could be as simple as including the ubuntu-studio theme, or it could
> be more advanced. I think the key is to get something in soon. Core devs are
> *already* running hardy, and in large part, they (not us) will need to help
> identify and communicate these problems to upstream.
> I can personally attest that a dark theme can be usable and very
> attractive. It is challenging to achieve a balance and to get your
> applications working and looking good. The beauty of a dark theme is it
> draws your eyes to your work, which will have a lighter color, and in a way
> relegates the controls and chrome to a less prominent positions without
> actually putting them in an unusual or unexpected place.

This is exactly my problem with dark themes - the contrast between the
surroundings  and the document I edit is too big. My eyes get sore after a
few hours.

For hacking in GEdit this is not a big problem because I can have a dark
theme there too, but for OpenOffice I just *need* that white backgound. It
is silly to have a wysiwyg editor where there colors are not what other
people will see.

An additional challenge with this type of functional art is to not be too
> clever. It still needs to be functional.
> Hmm... that might be a cool name for the new theme: functional-art.

On top of my previous points I simply do not believe that we can smooth out
the rough edges (non-theme-compliant-apps) on a dark theme in 6 months.
Hardy should be enterprise level and we cannot achieve that on a dark theme
in that time frame. Fixing the apps require real developers, not just
themers, and we are really short on those.

Please not that I really do like dark themes. Maybe we should just bundle a
dark version of the final theme.

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