On Mar 3, 2006, at 3:17 AM, Who wrote:
I would like clicking on the bubble to do what clicking on the link does, and failing that, I would like a link in the button to do what clicking on the icon would, I.E 'Click Here to get the Updates' Or some bold text sayign 'Click on this bubble to close it' - which would probably help people find their way

If any notification bubble has links in it, that's a design problem. Unlike alerts -- which can be made to open in the background, if they weren't produced as an immediate result of something you did -- bubbles open on top of all other windows, so you might click them accidentally. So the only thing they should do when you click them is fade out, slowly enough that you can see what they said even if you did click accidentally. If you need something more complicated than that -- links, checkboxes, whatever -- you probably should use a background alert instead.

Matthew Paul Thomas

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

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