On Thu, 3 Sep 2015, ttoine wrote:

At that time, Cory took the lead, and it turns out that we were not on the
same spirit at all: 
 - I was focused on making things working, like I did from the start
 - He was focused on having a beautiful look'n feel for the desktop and
other low priority stuff in my opinion

I don't know Cory at all :) so no comment besides, I like functionality over looks.

So I stopped being active. I just continued to maintain some base
documentation, testing and report bugs. I also negotiated with Medibuntu to
host alsa-firmware and other restricted packages (e.g: codecs).

When Cory left Ubuntu Studio, a new team started and did a very good job. I
think most of you know the story from there: you are this amazing team.

I don't know about amazing, but thanks anyway. I think I started helping in about 1104 or 1110. It seems about the same time as the switch to xfce. I did mostly testing at first, But have done most of the menu changes and added some of the system setup.

One should not have to be an engineer or coder to use Linux multimedia. (I think that means we all agree :) )

Using two USB Mics is never going to be an optimal solution, but the facts are that this situation is going to show up more and more. Using a USB mic and monitoring on internal audio is already a fact. I want to make that work OOTB.

Len Ovens
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