On Thu, 21 Apr 2016, Thomas Pfundt wrote:

I have never had that happen. I do rename files, but from your comments further down not as much as you do.

Were you able to reproduce this though? It can be done in a matter of
seconds, in fact, probably even faster than me typing this. I'm really
curious if this is just a problem for me and a few others or if it
affects basically all users, because I can't see it being related to
hardware or custom system specifications. Like you said, there is no

I haven't been able to spend the time on it yet, I still need to do work in 14.04 for a while... till I get 16.04 set up.

I used to work in a civic community centre where local news reports and
interviews are filmed on a daily basis and if you have hundreds of
random video and audio files on your drive, first of all renaming them
properly is really the best practice. That's just kind of a habit I took
away from it, hence I probably noticed this issue more regularly. ;)

I agree renaming media files after import is a correct methodology. That is, in fact, a big part of the reason we include Rapid photo downloader which renames the downloaded media files on the fly. (from number to venue/event/date/time/sequence or whatever) My wife does this with her photographs as well. (we have not had any crashes there in 16.04 which she has been running for 3 months now, but we haven't dealt with many photos either) It is just my workflow allows (requires) me to set proper file names to begin with :)

Have you tried Settings->Preferred Applications->Utilities(tab)? When I set 
Nautilus there it seems to just show up everywhere. If this does not
work for setting the default file manager, that is a bug for sure.

Oh no, maybe I've not clearly described the issue with this. I am able
to install Nautilus and set it as the default file manager. The problem
is that I have not been able to access its preferences, because the

When nautilus is open, gear wheel on the right top corner opens a menu which has nautilus Preferences. If I set list view there, the next time I open Nautilus it is in list view. Nautilus has two problems (I just noticed now) First it expects to find Gnome session running and complains it can't find it. Second, it does not exit when the window is closed but continues to run in the background using up memory and CPU cycles. It does open faster a second time though :) Hmm, having said that, this time it did exit.

I also just realised that Nautilus is not really popular among the
community apparently, I just haven't used any other file manager in the
past and I've never experienced any particular problems with it
personally, so this was my first choice after Thunar became too
impractical to use for me. If there is another favourite file manager
for someone here, maybe I could try that one instead and see if it works
better in terms of integration and stability.

Unfortuantly, file managers seem to be pretty tightly integrated with the DE. So three main file managers go with DEs xfce, KDE and gnome. The other large following might be commander and it's clones. Commander was originally (maybe still) a CLI file manager and so has a two window approach. Open synaptic and search the word commander for a list. You will find it quite different from the three windows file explorer clones listed above.

Len Ovens

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