2008/11/17 Sean Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> With all due respect, Javad, who would want to put their coffee cup on
> a Windows Vista install disc?
> Not at all attractive proposition... every time you raised the cup to
> take a sip you'd be reminded of... well, you know... not good!

Which reminds me.. Last year I worked for a company which was pretty
much Windows through and through, and the guys I worked with were got
chaps, lots of banter. One lunchtime when everyone else had gone out I
stick some of those aluminium "Powered by Ubuntu" stickers (like the
Intel ones) on their laptops where the Windows/Intel ones usually are.

A few days (!) later they noticed and there was much fun as they
either left them there or tried to remove them.

About a month or so later I was cleaning my office coffee cup (a
Hampshire Linux User Group one with a big fat Tux on it), and I
noticed a "Designed for Windows XP" sticker on the _underside_ of the

It had apparently been there for a month - since they found the Ubuntu
stickers, but I hadn't noticed (no, I don't clean the _underside_ of
my mug often). The guy sat opposite me had taken great delight in
watching me drink coffee because he could see the sticker up the right
way every time I took a gulp.



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