James Milligan wrote:
> I know you're all going to hate me lol, but I'm like Paul, I use Windows
> Vista a lot for schoolwork etc, and I do a lot of heavy gaming.

Any specific schoolwork that you can't do on OOo?

I can understand the fact you use Windows for gaming.  Personally I just 
use my Wii (can't afford to keep upgrading my PC for the latest games!).

> I've got Home Premium at the moment, but would obviously like the upgrade!

Is there any point?  I mean, do you really need the extra features from 
Vista Business which M$ put in Vista Ultimate (Vista Ultimate is kind of 
like Vista Home Premium and Vista Business in one).  Most home users 
probably wouldn't need to join a domain for starters.  Just think of it 
as extra bloat to slow things down.

> It's just not feasible for me to have Ubuntu as a main operating system at
> the moment, and depending on my A-Level choices, I may need Windows for
> coding applications (I think it's using C# or C++)

That's a fair comment, of course there's Mono, but I guess it's probably 
easier to use Visual Studio and then go from there.  Presumably once 
you've learnt the generic stuff it could be transferred over to Mono or 
GCC? (I'm assuming, the limit of my C knowledge is a simple 'Goodbye 
Cruel World' application).

> And I know you're going to lobby me now saying I should, in turn, lobby my
> teachers to teach open-source coding etc ;-)

Well you could, but would they take much notice?

Maybe you could slip them an Ubuntu CD ;-)

BTW, hope your teachers aren't like my college teachers who didn't know 
how to write QBasic programs when they were supposed to be teaching it. 
  In the end I had to explain to the teacher how to convert from GWBasic 
to QBasic!

> I don't mind what you choose lol

I'd personally say flog it if you want the money or give it away to a 
good cause, as like what Alan suggested.



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