On 05/05/10 15:33, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 5 May 2010 15:18, John Stevenson<j...@jr0cket.com>  wrote:
>> If you boot of an Ubuntu live CD or USB stick, then you can mount the hard
>> drive partition you have your root ( / ) partition on and change the path
>> that is your root from the live partition to your hard drive partion using
>> chroot.  You could then try to continue the install (optionally uninstalling
>> wine first).
> Given John is clearly not an advanced user, if you're going to suggest
> using tools like chroot, I'd suggest providing a step-by-step guide to
> doing it. Handing someone a CD and "use chroot" isn't really going to
> be useful to most people.
> I'm thinking tonight I might record a screencast about how to do this
> because it gets asked for quite a bit.
>> Seeing your new comments though, I would advise against doing this yourself
>> as you could break your system.
> *boggle*
> Al.

Thank you both for your suggestions, I do appreciate it.

When you do the screen cast, when viewing, how do you get the screen 
bigger so you see the writing and what is going on more easilly. if 
there is any writing. I watch some of the screencasts and what I see is 
so small I cant get what is being said.


Ubuntu User #30817


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