On 02/12/15 12:52, Barry Drake wrote:

They seem way ahead of Ubuntu in the phone market.  I'm sad about that.>
I've subscribed to one of their mailing lists to keep informed.

I talked to some of the Tizen developer guys - The told me their OS is so locked in, you wouldn't recognise it as a Linux distro. You can't access root at all, and a lot of the more powerful commandline items have been removed! One guy's comment was 'If you are any kind of hacker, it is not for you'. Sailfish (Jolla) is very much for the hacker and the developer. But - you'll like this - several guys at Tizen said that the Ubuntu is the best of the lot! They feel that if it could support Android, it would have an enormous market! And the code Sailfish use for the Android platform is mostly FOSS and downloadable straight from the Sailfish site.

Regards,                Barry.


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