
Rob Landley a écrit :

>> IIRC 
>> there have been some issues in the past... so, unless we are totally
>> sure, we need to keep the working/stable and old linuxthreads.old.
> No, what we do is we keep the 0.9.29 tarball around and if people have bugs 
> trying to use 0.9.30 they _report_ them to us.  If they want to use the old 
> threading code, they can use the old version of the library.  If they want 
> the new features, then they help us find (and fix) the new bugs.
You mean adding in the 0.9.30 untested code ?
Do you know if linuxthreads pass some thread regression tests (glibc
one, ltp, ...) ?

>> Remeber that, even when merged, NPTL is available only for 3 archs at
>> the time being.
> Who said anything about NPTL?  Right now, in 0.9.29, there's LINUXTHREADS_OLD 
> and there's a second implementation of Linuxthreads that most people haven't 
> been testing because they're still on LINUXTHREADS_OLD.  There's not much 
> point in having two of these right now, and adding NPTL would make _three_.  
> I'd like to keep it to no more than two, which means I need to yank one 
> before NPTL goes in.
I remember than 1 year ago, developers agree to drop LINUXTHREADS,
because work should be done on nptl instead trying to fix LINUXTHREADS. [1]

And I agree with that. If nptl merge happen soon there no point to do
some extra work on LINUXTHREADS.


PS : if only companies "selling" uclibc could hire some developers to
improve the mainstream version ...

[1] nptl is really missing on some arch to get faster thread switch,
some mutex with prio inversion, ...
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