Michael Schnell wrote:
> Jamie Lokier wrote:
> > That's right.  It's possible to use atomic_compare_and_exchange for
> > unlock; it's correct.  But you get that extra bit of spinning with SMP,
> > so atomic_dec is better.
> In fact I don't see why Ulrich did the unlock code like this:
>   if (atomic_dec(val) != 1 ) {
>     val = 0;
>     futex_wake(&val, 1);
>   };
> My current implementation is
>   c = atomic_xchg(val, 0) {
>   if (c=2) {               // we own the lock, so
>                            // val can be either of 1 or 2
>     futex_wake(&val, 1);
>   };

Second implementation:

Thread 1                  Thread 2                       Thread 3
--------                  --------                       --------

[owns the lock]           [running]                      [waiting]

c = atomic_xchg(val, 0);
[c == 2]
                          if (compare_swap(val, 0, 1))
                          [owns the lock]
futex_wake(&val, 1);
[wakes Thread 3]                                         [woken by Thread 1]
                                                         if (compare_swap(val, 
0, 1))
                                                         compare_sawp(val, 1, 

In Ulrich's version Thread 2 sleeps and Thread 3 runs, which is about
the same cost.  Keeping Thread 2 running is probably better for
average throughput.

But Ulrich's version is fairer, and does not allow starvation.

In your version Thread 3 can be starved by threads which are already
running, and that can happen repeatedly so it never runs.  In Ulrich's
version, all threads are guaranteed to run because there's a FIFO
queue on the futex, modified only by desired scheduling policies.

-- Jamie
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