> Hello
> I'd like to use a callfile to have the Asterisk telephony application
> make callbacks:
> www.the-asterisk-book.com/unstable/call-file.html
> Automated calls only require moving a small text file in a specific
> directory which Asterisk checks several times a second.

I haven't looked at the Asterisk callback code, but are you sure it uses
polling? Based on the description on the page I'd say it's more likely do be
based on inotify[1], should be enabled for the filesystem type you are
monitoring (I am not sure whether it is available for all FS drivers).

> For some reason, the callfile works fine in Ubuntu but doesn't trigger
> any action when used on a uClinux-based appliance, although the
> required module is loaded.
> Could there be some feature/limitation in uClinux that would prevent
> Asterisk from handling callfiles in that environment?
> Thank you.

Kind regards

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