You are exactly right on the point!  Other Ugandans' spent their taxes in building some of the buildings in the city.  These Ugandans taxes have been spent by the central gov'ts strengthening its interests in Buganda.  Ask yourself why??  Why could a Lango president spend taxes from Lango building himself mansions in Buganda??  Filling the Buganda police force with Langi persons, who understood none about the native Luganda language, creating all sorts of misunderstandings.  Other than strengthening his (Obote) interests in Buganda, give another reason.
Let me caution you my friend!  Contributing a small amount of taxes that the central gov't used to do its job as a gov't, to build roads and gov't buildings in Buganda (Kampala) does not mean Buganda did not contribute the largest amount.  We need to look back into the taxation records and we shall find out exactly how much taxes the rest of Uganda contributed to the central gov't, which the central gov't in turn used to help with the building of Buganda (Kampala). 
Mr. Okello, I want you to bring the tax records, and the central gov'ts budget here on Ugandanet, and have me discuss this in details.  Buganda contributed to the building and raising of her herself (Kampala) at an estimate of 80%, I believe it is more than that. As matter of fact the most region that has contributed significantly in the range of the remaining 20% is Busoga, due to her industrial revolution and electricity, plus its trade routes to Kenya.  Busoga in turn gained to, worth not for this thug-Mu7 taking power and Busoga's industrial revolution declined.
I want to make it clear to you that Buganda is Buganda, It stays intact.  I've heard of these silly stories of non-Baganda getting scared to support federalism because they think that they will be chased out of Buganda (Kampala)!  These people must not be capable of critical thinking!  Don't they know about property rights??  If the central gov't has its buildings in Buganda (Kampala), who is going to temper with their property rights??  Who is going to temper with the central gov'ts international airport in Entebbe?? People who are afraid as such must not have been familiar with the rule of law, and a constitution!  This is a clash of civilizations!  One civilization is capable of mastering the rule of law, and some are not!  What a misfortune! 
Belonging to any tribe/nation is a good thing.  It's our African identity civilization. 
I guess the donors of Uganda will claim Uganda as their territory because they "contributed" to the building of Uganda.  Is this why we have a Commonwealth membership??  But we Ugandans know better that Uganda belongs to Uganda.  Why is that??  Answer, Mr. Okello then we can continue with our conversation.
Zakoomu R.
Rehema Mukooza, 

Don't you think other Ugandans also paid taxes that contributed significantly in building these cities now you called "Buganda's capital city, Kampala and her Entebbe city."?
BTW, I thought you were a Munyoro? I guess I was wrong.

okello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Ever since Buganda's capital city, Kampala was made Uganda's, the avoidance is impossible to happen.  If anyone thought that Buganda would break the cord with the gov'ts in power, that is fantasia.  Unless, of course if the whole of Uganda offers another city to serve as the capital city of Uganda to separate and avoid these interactions between Buganda and gov'ts in power.  Until then, there is nothing anyone can do about this. 
Obote made these "interactions" only to come out burned!  Poor, stupid, fellow!  Amin did the same, and see the outcome.  Okello's Junta militia did the same, Museveni swept into the interactions and established himself a dictator.  Every overthrow or takeover that has happened in Uganda is sealed by capturing Buganda's capital city, Kampala and her Entebbe city."
Rehema Mukooza, 

Don't you think other Ugandans also paid taxes that contributed significantly in building these cities now you called "Buganda's capital city, Kampala and her Entebbe city."?
BTW, I thought you were a Munyoro? I guess I was wrong.

Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In your ignorance, stupidity, childish-nature, not all people on Ugandanet are non-Baganda!   Now, I want to know how "I don't know what I'm doing"??  I do not see anything wrong with talking about Buganda/Kabaka, a part of Uganda and discussing its cultural values and politics.  Everyone here talks about other regions, why should I not talk about Buganda/Kabaka??  I'll be damned to ignore the mother soil and her Kabaka. 
Again:  What is it that "I don't know what I'm doing"??  Just point out things in my previous email which "I don't know what I'm doing" or talking about. 
Obote tried to "buy" Ankole, Bunyoro, Tooro, and Busoga monarchies with money and all these monarchies agreed to get the cash.  Buganda refused this silly "buying", her Kabaka was exiled, and the seasonal leader (Obote) tried to appoint a prince to take over.  Buganda was (is) not stupid as the temporaly dictator thought it would be (is).  Boote's season is no more!  That's what we call the old rug whose time is outdated.
No matter how much folks here will not agree with me, I'll continue to point it out to you that the Kabakaship / Buganda are survivors.  A new regime comes around, and the rules of survival kick in.  So, whoever thinks that Museveni is "buying" the Kabaka is indeed wrong!  The Kabakaship is to continue after the death of Museveni. 
Buganda can not avoid interactions with the central gov't or any president in power.  By the way, "interactions" do not mean "buying".  Make that clear in your thinking.  Ever since Buganda's capital city, Kampala was made Uganda's, the avoidance is impossible to happen.  If anyone thought that Buganda would break the cord with the gov'ts in power, that is fantasia.  Unless, of course if the whole of Uganda offers another city to serve as the capital city of Uganda to separate and avoid these interactions between Buganda and gov'ts in power.  Until then, there is nothing anyone can do about this. 
Obote made these "interactions" only to come out burned!  Poor, stupid, fellow!  Amin did the same, and see the outcome.  Okello's Junta militia did the same, Museveni swept into the interactions and established himself a dictator.  Every overthrow or takeover that has happened in Uganda is sealed by capturing Buganda's capital city, Kampala and her Entebbe city. 
With all this nonsense that power hungry dictators (past, present, future) have done, you mean to tell me that not all readers on Ugandanet are not interested in Buganda??  This is how stupid and childish you can get!  I do not care if "not all members of ugandanet are Baganda", the truth is that non-Baganda have interests in Buganda at least for as long as it hosts the capital city. 
I personally would want to know which Ugandan does not have an interest in Buganda.  The LRA does have one.  Obote, Amin, Okello, Mu7, etc had (have) one.  And this silly business of people talking about Federo becoming Bugandanized is as stupid and unfocused as they get.  If someone wants to take Buganda out of the limelight, he/she will have to move the capital city to some other part of Uganda, and leave Buganda(Kampala) alone.
To show you how stupid and childish Ugandans have become.  Buganda (Kampala) was declared as a none part of Buganda, it was declared part of Uganda instead.  One wonders that is Buganda not Uganda??  All I can caution you about is that interests in Buganda by all Ugandans is undeniable.  The sooner we realize that the better off Uganda shall be.  As long as "not all readers on Ugandanet are Baganda" but with interests in Buganda, I shall continue to talk about Buganda and singling it out here.  Like it or not!   
Let me hope that you are not that stupid and childish to have not already known the above points I've made.
Zakoomu R.
Now I really believe that you're really stupid or very childish or don't know what you are doing which again reflect my first  observation.
Read your posting and consider that not all readers on Ugandanet are Baganda then you will see why i think your are as indicated above.

In a message dated 3/6/2004 12:54:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Buying Obote for what??  Obote can not function at his age!  He is of no use to any thinking Ugandan who is looking forward to the future.  The Kabaka will never be "bought"; he stays, president after president.  Who ever thinks so, is indeed misguided and misinformed, like Obote.  You can never ever buy a Kabaka. 
Obote tried it once, when he offered money to the Ankole, Bunyoro, Tooro, and Busoga monarchies in order to ban them real good, but the Kabaka of Buganda refused and he was exiled.  Obote even wanted to chose who among the princes should take over after Kabaka Muteesa was exiled.  Wrong decision - Poor, stupid, Obote! 
My advice to the anti-Kabaka camps is that, the monarchy of Buganda shall exist no matter what.  The monarchy has already proved resilient towards blows (Obote, Amin).  People, ya'll better use that energy of yours on something else and leave the Kabaka alone.  The Kabaka has us regular folks to back him up no matter what.  That is how strong an alliagence can be to our King(s), present and future. 
Some politicians like Obote, Museveni might think that they are "buying" the Kabaka, but in reality they are to move out and our Prince (Kabaka) is to stay in.  A monarchy is a monarchy, unlike seasonal political leadership i.e Obote, Mu7.  Mr. Yaobang, come up with a better example of folks being 'bought' by cows or money.  I don't know why you people don't understand that Buganda and her Kabakaship are inseparatable.  "Buying" something that will never go away, that has always existed is a sick example of how some Ugandans will never get it.
Zakoomu R.
Now I really believe that you're really stupid or very childish or don't know what you are doing which again reflect my first  observation.
Read your posting and consider that not all readers on Ugandanet are Baganda then you will see why i think your are as indicated above.

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