On 26/05/2020 22:59, Pete Stevens wrote:

I wonder what the absolute minimum set if before $ultra-cheap-broken-isp
just goes ipv6+nat64 and doesn't care about breaking other stuff. Free broadband that comes with your mobile contract / cornflakes could be a candidate.

I'd suggest the big porn sites might need IPv6 for that to float.

Slightly different scenario for sweeping up sites to have IPv6 on server side:

It might one day that 464xlat fails at $massive_mobile_isp - most punters still happy because facebook and google still up.
And the headline reads `twitter down on $massive_mobile_isp'

And people phone $small_supplier and say `Can't get on your website from my mobile, and its your fault because google and facebook still work`

Tim Bray
Huddersfield, GB
+44 7966479015

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