Hello everyone,

Here is an email from Ravi about MetaMap Lite excel :

The program is available at
> tinyurl.com/mmlite-excel
> It just points to my DropBox, at the moment.
> It comes packaged with UMLS level zero subset for licensing reasons.
> But you can easily swap it out for the full UMLS subset from MetaMapLite
> distribution.
> Let me know, if you have any issues.
> Ravi Teja.

I have cced him on this email as well so that you have his contact

Best regards,


On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Bridget McInnes <btmcin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Jennifer,
> Like Ted mentioned, the UMLS-Similarity package requires that the term be
> located in the UMLS as an exact match. When I deal with terms, I typically
> use metamap to identify the CUIs of a particular term that I am looking
> for. There is a nice program recently released with an xcel plug in written
> by Ravi  Bhupatiraju at NLM. Here is the poster description:
> https://mor.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/pdf/2017-medinfo-rb-poster.pdf
> and a link to MetaMapLite web page.
> https://metamap.nlm.nih.gov/MetaMapLite.shtml
> I hope this might help!
> Best regards,
> Bridget
> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 1:02 PM, Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com
> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> Hey Ted,
>> Thanks again for looking at this. Again, any and all advice are
>> appreciated. Right now, I'm doing a less-than-ideal approach of querying
>> for similarity, and then if there is none, I do a back-up check by looking
>> for overlapping words. This means I can catch "Diabetes" and "type 2
>> diabetes" but it does require manual curation to make sure I'm not getting
>> erroneous overlaps!
>> Best,
>> On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 7:52 PM, Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com
>> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jen,
>>> I'm going to answer your question in a few notes maybe over the next few
>>> days...so your first problem with finding a term is not unusual - sometimes
>>> small variations in a term can cause a lookup to fail. I usually try to
>>> work with Cuis as a result. In your example for whatever reason the (t2d)
>>> seems to be causing a problem - when I omit that things seem to work ok...
>>> More soon!
>>> Ted
>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl 'type 2 diabetes mellitus'
>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>      MSH
>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>      PAR
>>>      CHD
>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>> The CUIs associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus are:
>>> 1. c0011860raviteja.bhupatir...@nih.gov
>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl 'type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2d)'
>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>      MSH
>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>      PAR
>>>      CHD
>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>> No CUIs are associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2d).
>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl 'type 2 diabetes mellitus'
>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>      MSH
>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>      PAR
>>>      CHD
>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>> The CUIs associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus are:
>>> 1. C0011860
>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getChildren.pl 'type 2 diabetes mellitus'
>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>      MSH
>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>      PAR
>>>      CHD
>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>> The children of type 2 diabetes mellitus (C0011860) are:
>>>   lipoatrophic diabetes (C0011859)
>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getChildren.pl 'type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2d)'
>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>      MSH
>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>      PAR
>>>      CHD
>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>> Input type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2d) does not exist in this view of the
>>> UMLS.
>>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com
>>> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ted,
>>>> You've been incredibly helpful, on this whole project. Thanks for that.
>>>> Part of my problem was that I was avoiding installing the full UMLS
>>>> distribution because of storage, and then had a lot of trouble getting it
>>>> downloaded, installed, and set up on my computer! But having access to the
>>>> UMLS::Interface and UMLS::Similarity scripts is really helpful.
>>>> I'm now at a more specific use of the UMLS in my project. I have a list
>>>> of drugs with their disease indications (*most *map to a CUI term) and
>>>> then for each drug I have predicted a list of disease for which the drugs
>>>> could be used. I want to know "how semantically similar" are my predictions
>>>> to the original diseases (to check how often my algorithm is "right").
>>>> There are few bugs in that for some reason, some diseases return an
>>>> error that a CUI doesn't exist, even though, I can find a CUI for the
>>>> disease in my umls database:
>>>> *getChildren.pl 'type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2d)'...Input type 2
>>>> diabetes mellitus (t2d) does not exist in this view of the UMLS.*
>>>> I also don't always get a match between diseases that I think are
>>>> semantically similar, is this just a product of how the hierarchy works? I
>>>> would like to capture these as matches if possible!
>>>> *Hormone receptor positive malignant neoplasm of breast (C1562029) &
>>>> Breast Carcinoma (C0678222) = -1*
>>>> Also, because I am new to perl, I have been using the --infile option
>>>> (for instance with getAssociatedCuis.pl script), piping the output to a
>>>> text file and then using Python to awkwardly extract the disease -> CUI
>>>> mappings. Is there a better way to do this? Ideally, I could implement a
>>>> tiered system for checking matches where I look for an exact match, look
>>>> for a matched parent or child term, and then as a last resort look for
>>>> matched words (because the of the breast cancer example).
>>>> Any and all advice is much appreciated. Thank you!
>>>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 5:49 AM, duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
>>>> <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jen,
>>>>> Here are some ideas about using some of the commands in the installed
>>>>> version of UMLS::Similarity to find nearby branches of a given term of 
>>>>> CUI.
>>>>> A lot more information about the different commands available can be found
>>>>> at :
>>>>> http://search.cpan.org/dist/UMLS-Interface/
>>>>> I'm not certain how useful this all will be, but wanted to let you
>>>>> know what I was thinking at least. Please feel free to follow up as 
>>>>> needed.
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl "Diabetes Mellitus"
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The CUIs associated with Diabetes Mellitus are:
>>>>> 1. C0011849
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getChildren.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The children of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   leprechaunism (C0265344)
>>>>>   experimental diabetes mellitus (C0011853)
>>>>>   compl diabetes mellitus (C0342257)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, sudden-onset (C0011854)
>>>>>   pregnancy-induced diabetes (C0085207)
>>>>>   states, prediabetic (C0362046)
>>>>>   noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (C0011860)
>>>>>   acidoses, diabetic (C0011880)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getParents.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The parents of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   endocrine system diseases(C0014130)
>>>>>   metabolism disorder, glucose(C1257958)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl
>>>>> No term was specified on the command line
>>>>> Usage: getAssociatedCuis.pl [OPTIONS] TERM
>>>>> Type getAssociatedCuis.pl --help for help.
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl "Diabetes Mellitus"
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The CUIs associated with Diabetes Mellitus are:
>>>>> 1. C0011849
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getChildren.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The children of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   leprechaunism (C0265344)
>>>>>   experimental diabetes mellitus (C0011853)
>>>>>   compl diabetes mellitus (C0342257)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, sudden-onset (C0011854)
>>>>>   pregnancy-induced diabetes (C0085207)
>>>>>   states, prediabetic (C0362046)
>>>>>   noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (C0011860)
>>>>>   acidoses, diabetic (C0011880)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getParents.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The parents of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   endocrine system diseases(C0014130)
>>>>>   metabolism disorder, glucose(C1257958)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getRelated.pl C0011849 RB
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> No CUIs are associated with diabetes mellitus (C0011849) given the
>>>>> relation (RB).
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getRelated.pl C0011849 RN
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The related (RN) CUIs to diabetes mellitus (C0011849):
>>>>>   premature aging, okamoto type (C2930860)
>>>>>   lipoatrophy with diabetes, hepatic steatosis, cardiomyopathy, and
>>>>> leukomelanodermic papules (C2931057)
>>>>>   feigenbaum bergeron richardson syndrome (C2931125)
>>>>>   thiamine responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome (C0342287)
>>>>>   yorifuji okuno syndrome (C2931296)
>>>>>   extrapyramidal disorder, progressive, with primary hypogonadism,
>>>>> mental retardation, and alopecia (C0342286)
>>>>>   pancreatic beta cell agenesis with neonatal diabetes mellitus
>>>>> (C1838655)
>>>>>   photomyoclonus, diabetes mellitus, deafness, nephropathy, and
>>>>> cerebral dysfunction (C1809475)
>>>>>   furukawa takagi nakao syndrome (C2931765)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, neonatal, with congenital hypothyroidism
>>>>> (C1857775)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal, 2 (C1835887)
>>>>>   developmental delay, epilepsy, and neonatal diabetes (C1853564)
>>>>>   mitochondrial myopathy with diabetes (C1839028)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal, 3 (C1864623)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, insulin-resistant, with acanthosis nigricans
>>>>> (C0342278)
>>>>>   maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type 7 (C1864839)
>>>>>   mitchell-riley syndrome (C2748662)
>>>>>   hyperproinsulinemia (C0342283)
>>>>>   muscular atrophy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, and diabetes
>>>>> mellitus (C0342281)
>>>>>   6q24-related transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (C3711391)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, congenital autoimmune (C1857958)
>>>>>   pancreatic and cerebellar agenesis (C1836780)
>>>>>   stimmler syndrome (C1859965)
>>>>>   atherosclerosis, premature, with deafness, nephropathy, diabetes
>>>>> mellitus, photomyoclonus, and degenerative neurologic disease (C1859596)
>>>>>   diabetes insipidus and mellitus with optic atrophy and deafness,
>>>>> mitochondrial form (C1838782)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal, 1 (C1832386)
>>>>>   pancreatic hypoplasia, congenital, with diabetes mellitus and
>>>>> congenital heart disease (C1838780)
>>>>>   lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome with renal disease and diabetes
>>>>> mellitus (C2675066)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal, with neurologic features
>>>>> (C1833102)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, permanent, of infancy (C1833104)
>>>>>   martinez frias syndrome (C1832443)
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The CUIs associated with Diabetes Mellitus are:
>>>>> 1. C0011849
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getChildren.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The children of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   leprechaunism (C0265344)
>>>>>   experimental diabetes mellitus (C0011853)
>>>>>   compl diabetes mellitus (C0342257)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, sudden-onset (C0011854)
>>>>>   pregnancy-induced diabetes (C0085207)
>>>>>   states, prediabetic (C0362046)
>>>>>   noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (C0011860)
>>>>>   acidoses, diabetic (C0011880)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getParents.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The parents of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   endocrine system diseases(C0014130)
>>>>>   metabolism disorder, glucose(C1257958)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl
>>>>> No term was specified on the command line
>>>>> Usage: getAssociatedCuis.pl [OPTIONS] TERM
>>>>> Type getAssociatedCuis.pl --help for help.
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getAssociatedCuis.pl "Diabetes Mellitus"
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The CUIs associated with Diabetes Mellitus are:
>>>>> 1. C0011849
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getChildren.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The children of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   leprechaunism (C0265344)
>>>>>   experimental diabetes mellitus (C0011853)
>>>>>   compl diabetes mellitus (C0342257)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, sudden-onset (C0011854)
>>>>>   pregnancy-induced diabetes (C0085207)
>>>>>   states, prediabetic (C0362046)
>>>>>   noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (C0011860)
>>>>>   acidoses, diabetic (C0011880)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getParents.pl C0011849
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The parents of Diabetes mellitus NOS (C0011849) are:
>>>>>   endocrine system diseases(C0014130)
>>>>>   metabolism disorder, glucose(C1257958)
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getRelated.pl C0011849 RB
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> No CUIs are associated with diabetes mellitus (C0011849) given the
>>>>> relation (RB).
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ getRelated.pl C0011849 RN
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The related (RN) CUIs to diabetes mellitus (C0011849):
>>>>>   premature aging, okamoto type (C2930860)
>>>>>   lipoatrophy with diabetes, hepatic steatosis, cardiomyopathy, and
>>>>> leukomelanodermic papules (C2931057)
>>>>>   feigenbaum bergeron richardson syndrome (C2931125)
>>>>>   thiamine responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome (C0342287)
>>>>>   yorifuji okuno syndrome (C2931296)
>>>>>   extrapyramidal disorder, progressive, with primary hypogonadism,
>>>>> mental retardation, and alopecia (C0342286)
>>>>>   pancreatic beta cell agenesis with neonatal diabetes mellitus
>>>>> (C1838655)
>>>>>   photomyoclonus, diabetes mellitus, deafness, nephropathy, and
>>>>> cerebral dysfunction (C1809475)
>>>>>   furukawa takagi nakao syndrome (C2931765)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, neonatal, with congenital hypothyroidism
>>>>> (C1857775)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal, 2 (C1835887)
>>>>>   developmental delay, epilepsy, and neonatal diabetes (C1853564)
>>>>>   mitochondrial myopathy with diabetes (C1839028)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal, 3 (C1864623)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, insulin-resistant, with acanthosis nigricans
>>>>> (C0342278)
>>>>>   maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type 7 (C1864839)
>>>>>   mitchell-riley syndrome (C2748662)
>>>>>   hyperproinsulinemia (C0342283)
>>>>>   muscular atrophy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, and diabetes
>>>>> mellitus (C0342281)
>>>>>   6q24-related transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (C3711391)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, congenital autoimmune (C1857958)
>>>>>   pancreatic and cerebellar agenesis (C1836780)
>>>>>   stimmler syndrome (C1859965)
>>>>>   atherosclerosis, premature, with deafness, nephropathy, diabetes
>>>>> mellitus, photomyoclonus, and degenerative neurologic disease (C1859596)
>>>>>   diabetes insipidus and mellitus with optic atrophy and deafness,
>>>>> mitochondrial form (C1838782)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal, 1 (C1832386)
>>>>>   pancreatic hypoplasia, congenital, with diabetes mellitus and
>>>>> congenital heart disease (C1838780)
>>>>>   lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome with renal disease and diabetes
>>>>> mellitus (C2675066)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal, with neurologic features
>>>>> (C1833102)
>>>>>   diabetes mellitus, permanent, of infancy (C1833104)
>>>>>   martinez frias syndrome (C1832443)
>>>> --
>>>> Jennifer L. Wilson
>>>> Bioengineering, Stanford University
>>>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318 <(703)%20969-3318>
>> --
>> Jennifer L. Wilson
>> Bioengineering, Stanford University
>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318 <(703)%20969-3318>

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