On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Alex Moon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well I feel like a fool, but the problem turned out to be the size of my
> driver folder.  Apparently when I added the drivers for that laptop it put
> the total install size over the limit (due to windows copying everything
> under "\$OEM$\$1".
> This leads me to another question however.  Is it possible to somehow still
> have the option of adding certain driver packages but not necessarily have
> to copy over ALL of your drivers?


"Create a $oem$\$1\Drivers folder in the I386 folder that you copied to the
distribution point. You may want to create additional folders in the Drivers
subfolder, depending on the hardware that you want to install (for example,
network adapter, modem, or video driver). The $1 folder resolves to
%SystemDrive%. During text-mode Setup, these folders and files are copied to
the %SystemDrive%\Drivers folders."

This is probably less than ideal, but if I was in this situation, I would
create different OS distribution points for a few different sets of hardware
so the drivers directory wasn't so large or only include truly essential
drivers under $oem$ and install the rest later with a script for that
particular hardware.

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