At 13:37 -0400 2004-05-24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't accept that the existing practices are necessarily a controlling

In this case, I do. The default template separates scripts (apart from the Kana, which are conventionally mixed by everyone who uses them). There is no reason to stop doing this now. By the same token, Etruscan should not have been interfiled with Latin, nor should Carian and Lycian be interfiled with Greek. Or Phoenician.

For sufficient reason we can override existing practices. I believe that sufficient reason does exist in this case.

People who need to override the default template can do so, according to the standard.

 > >Well, if you asked the ancient Phoenicians this question, of course
 > >they would have said "yes" because the script used in their time for
 > >Hebrew was very similar to their own script.
That's why Palaeo-Hebrew and Hebrew are unified.

Palaeo-Hebrew and Phoenician, presumably.

Yes, yes. I am weary of this dance. A slip of the fingers. -- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *

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