Thanks Jafar,  for giving me the impetus to be impatient with regex-dna .

I think regex-dna was not hanging in the classic sense but waiting on 
input as it reported as soon as I pressed <enter> in the command window.

here is the concluding screen-scrape

regex-dna 10-thou.dat <ENTER>
        39:51.129          0.172     13901.912x
reverse-complement 150-thou.dat          0.094            N/A
spectral-norm 100                        0.484            N/A
thread-ring 1000                           N/A          0.203


What have I learned so far?

Run the tests in a (separate) directory owned by the current user.

use Clint's umake.exe  and  his  sh.exe .

use fasta to create the mil and thou.dat files.  (or get that bit of the 
make process fixed)

running regex-dna will partly be a test of the users' reaction times, 
until it's fixed not to require input.

I hope that's progressed things.  Let me know if you want more testing done.

and thanks for all the fast support.


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