
Map shows race division in Philadelphia
New map detailing racial breakdown shows de facto segregation, even in 
University City
Monday, October 4, 2010
by MK Kleva


While the Civil Rights Act abolished segregation 46 years
ago, a new map of Philadelphia serves as a reminder that
racial separation still exists around the city, even near
Penn’s campus.

The map, created by Eric Fischer on photo-sharing
site, uses Census 2000 data to demonstrate the
racial makeup of the city. The map shows most
neighborhoods are dominated by a single racial group.


Rory Kramer, a sixth-year sociology doctoral student,
researches segregation patterns in Philadelphia. “Penn
has successfully gentrified westward,” he said, with more
white and fewer black individuals living in the area.

He said that while more white people now live around
Penn, it is not necessarily indicative of integration.
For the newcomers, it is a pleasant place to live because
there are more stores and activities for them, he said.
However, for the small number of black West
Philadelphians still living near Penn, friends and
neighbors have moved away along with their businesses and
neighborhood dynamic.

Charles attributed some of this change to the University
encouraging faculty and staff to live closer to campus in
University City and Spruce Hill. Nevertheless, she said
diversity in University City is minimal in relation to
the predominantly black population in West Philadelphia.

thanks, darco

Lalevic, Darco wrote:
Sure, as Glenn points out, numerous attempts to paint the
neighborhood as a wild, out of control neighborhood that
UCD and associated entities have now made safe.

I disagree with UCD taking on an enforcement roll of any
kind. I disagree with the entire Clark Park
revitalization plan. I think it's wasteful at the least,
and at worse, part of an effort to "clean up" the park to
make it more appealing to the gentrification of the
neighborhood and push certain people out. The structure
of the UCD is designed to advocate for the corporate
entities (and while, yes, it's their money mostly, the
net effect is the general public is left out of

-----Original Message----- From:
[] On Behalf Of
UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:07
AM To: Subject: Re: [UC] Clark
Park: Power and secrecy was the goal, UCR

Lalevic, Darco wrote:
I too am often offended by the bias and misinformation
that is often propagated as marketing for "University

can you cite examples of this?

Sure, I disagree with UCD and FOCP on many issues,


The fact is, by not engaging the argument in a logical,
academic way, you've pushed the relevance of your
argument to the wayside.


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