Randy is a semi-feral indoor-outdoor cat, all black, green eyes. Please email Lauren if you've seen him nearby.

From: Lauren Green <lgreen8...@gmail.com>
Date: November 17, 2016 7:04:11 AM EST
To: Linda Lee <lml3...@gmail.com>
Subject: Randy gone?

​Hi Linda,
My outdoor cat Randy was not around last nite or this morning and that is very unusual for him. I have a large comfortable shelter on my porch which he loves and he comes inside my house several times a day. Usually when I arrive home he comes up the sidewalk to greet me. I'm trying not be too alarmed that he did not respond to my repeatedly calling his name this morning. (but I am) Can you get the word out for people to look out for him? He's an adult black cat with shiny coat and beautiful green eyes and a good weight. He does have a chip although I wonder some times if it might have migrated elsewhere in his body...

Thank you,
Lauren Green

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